Robert Roden Jr.
At the center of the Bible is the book of Psalms. This great collection of songs and prayers expresses the heart and soul of humanity. As you read the book of Psalms, you will hear believers crying out to God from the depths of despair, and you will hear them singing to him in the heights of celebration. But whether despairing or rejoicing you will always hear them sharing honest feelings with their God. Musicians like Robert Roden and his son Robert Roden Jr. discovered the everlasting power and love of God and His forgiveness. In their music we also share in that gift of love. The Bible tells us that everything is in its time and place and it warms my heart to know that before the death of Robert Roden Jr. he knew his beloved father was honored by Simon Kenton High School and the Kenton County School System by dedicating the Music Facility in his name with a Memorial Scholarship fund opened at any The offices of The Bank of Kentucky. When I contacted him this past year he was thrilled to know that we were pursuing the effort to honor his father and he explained his health care problems would keep him from being personally involved. We told him that he did not have to lift a hand and that we indeed would lift him in our prayers for God’s will in his battle for life.. I know that the video about his father and Simon Kenton touched his heart and the plaque honoring him before his passing was a God given gift. The Bible says that everything in its time and place as God’s will dictates. May Robert Roden Jr.’s memory and his father’s live forever in our lives through the honor bestowed upon his father for his twenty six years of service as the band director, educator for Simon Kenton High School and the Northern Kentucky Community. Both father and son created and made music which enriched our culture and brought smiles of pleasure to many different citizens and children around the world. Now they will both again play music for our Lord in Heaven.
Dr. John Stephenson
Former Superintendent of Public Instruction Commonwealth of Kentucky